White House Issues Statement On Donald Trump’s Eagles-Free Super Bowl Celebration

White House Issues Statement On Donald Trump’s Eagles-Free Super Bowl Celebration

Just hours before President Donald Trump presides over the White House’s inaugural ‘No Escaping To Locker Room!” Philly Eagles-Free Super Bowl Celebration, the Trump’s White House felt the need to issue a statement, mopping up after his two previous tweets on same subject.

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According to the White House statement, the Philly Eagles accepted the invitation to celebrate their Super Bowl win and, last Thursday, notified them of “81 individuals, including players, coaches, management and support personnel who would attend.”

“On Friday, the Secret Service cleared them for participation,” the White House said.

But, late Friday, however, the team contacted the White House again, trying to reschedule the event, then offered to send “only a tiny handful of representatives while making clear that the great majority of players would not attend the event, despite planning to be in D.C. today.”

“In other words, the vast majority of the Eagles team decided to abandon” the 1,000 team fans expected to attend the White House event, the White House said.

“Upon learning these facts, the President decided to change the event so that it would be a celebration of the American flag with Eagles fans and performances by United States Marine Band and the United States Army Chorus.”

The statement marks the White House’s third statement on the subject – Trump having already tweeted about the change, Monday night and Tuesday morning.

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