Sofia Richie Hoping To Keep Scott Disick “Turned On” By “Emulating” Kourtney Kardashian Is Made-Up Story

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Sofia Richie Kourtney Kardashian Twin

(Getty Images)

A certain website is continuing to promote a phony love triangle between Sofia Richie, Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian with made-up stories. The latest of these claim Richie is trying to keep Disick “turned on” by “emulating” Kardashian, while Kardashian supposedly believes Richie is “morphing into her on purpose.” Gossip Cop can bust these false narratives about twins and look-alikes.

According to HollywoodLife, “it’s no coincidence” that Richie’s new hair extensions “make her look just like” Kardashian. That’s because “Sofia’s trying to make herself look like Kourt… because Scott digs it,” alleges the site. A so-called “source close to Sofia” is quoted as saying, “Sofia wants to keep Scott interested and turned on in the bedroom so she went through a mini, sexy, Kourtney-style makeover.” This purported snitch even goes on to reveal the type of lingerie-style underwear Richie is supposedly wearing.

Gossip Cop is going to be blunt: Not only would no real “source close to Sofia” discuss how the 19-year-old wants to keep her older boyfriend “turned on in the bedroom,” but no one in her inner circle would tell a gossip outlet about the underwear style she prefers. That HollywoodLies, as the blog is nicknamed, wants readers to believe an actual person legitimately connected to Richie shared such private, intimate information is laughable.

Unsurprisingly, a mere five hours went by before the online publication offered a second supposed “exclusive,” this one allegedly from Kardashian’s perspective. Here, a so-called “source close to Kourtney” is quoted as saying, “Kourtney thinks it’s beyond weird that Sofia is stealing her whole look. She’s clearly trying to morph into Kourtney, and it weirds her out.” What’s particularly telling in this piece is that HollywoodLies goes on to admit, “Although we aren’t certain if Sofia is actually copying Kourt.”

That’s despite spending, quite literally, months of accusing Richie of transforming into her beau’s ex-girlfriend. Even these latest tales deem Richie a “total Kourtney Kardashian clone,” suggest she’s becoming a “twin,” and repeatedly stress that she’s now a “look-alike.” To be fair, HollywoodLies isn’t the only website making such assertions. Fans, too, have observed that Richie seems to resemble Kardashian with her hair extensions. But these claims about her intentionally trying to “morph” into the reality star are really just conspiracy theories.

They don’t take into consideration indisputable truths, such as the fact that Richie had long, dark hair years before she ever entered into Disick and Kardashian’s orbit. Apparently it’s easier to promote this silly narrative about Richie copying Kardashian than to do any research into the model’s past. But this isn’t just a sign of laziness and sensationalism. That HollywoodLies still doesn’t seem to know that Richie had her hair just like this as far back as six years ago proves that it doesn’t actually have a “source close to Sofia.”

Surely if site was dealing with a real Richie insider, such a person would inform the blog that Richie’s current hairdo isn’t new at all and has nothing to do with Kardashian. Furthermore, if the outlet had genuine access to Kardashian’s world, it would know the “KUWTK” star is more focused on raising three kids and fulfilling her business obligations than fixating on Richie’s style. Perhaps needless to say at this point, but Gossip Cop is told by those close to all the parties involved that these latest stories are made-up, just like so many others that have come before them.

Category: celebrity gossip