Ronald Reagan’s Daughter Says Her Dad Would Be Appalled Over Agent Orange’s Piss-Poor Presidential Performance

Ronald Reagan’s Daughter Says Her Father Wouldn’t Be A Fan Of Trump’s Presidency

One interesting thing about Drumpf’s presidency is the way he’s managed to make ALL the Presidents before him, not only look a thousand times more competent, but also come together to contrast what RESPONSIBLE leadership looks like.

In a new Op-Ed for the Washington Post Patti Davis answers the many people who have asked her what her father would have thought of Trump’s leadership (or lack therof). Check out some choice excerpts below:

He would be appalled and heartbroken at a Congress that refuses to stand up to a president who not only seems ignorant of the Constitution but who also attempts at every turn to dismantle and mock our system of checks and balances.

He would plead with Americans to recognize that the caustic, destructive language emanating from our current president is sullying the dream that America once was. And in a time of increased tensions in the world, playing verbal Russian roulette is not leadership, it’s madness. He would point to one of the pillars of our freedom — a free press — which sets us apart from dictatorships and countries ruled by despots. He didn’t always like the press — no president does — but the idea of relentlessly attacking the media as the enemy would never have occurred to him. And if someone else had done so, he wouldn’t have tolerated it.

He would ask us to think about the Statue of Liberty and the light she holds for immigrants coming to America for a better life. Immigrants like his ancestors, who persevered despite prejudice and signs that read “No Irish or dogs allowed.” There is a difference between immigration laws and cruelty. He believed in laws; he hated cruelty.

She really did the damn thing with this one… Do you agree with Patti Davis? Ronald Reagan is one of the most despised Presidents for many folks who grew up in the 80’s but it definitely seems like Trump is doing far more damage.

Original Article

Category: celebrity gossip