People Ain’t Isht: Racist Soup Cookie Kills “Some N-Word” In Hit-And-Run, Brags On Snapchat “I Just Killed A Guy”

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Racist Teen Motorist Hits And Kills Black Man

31-year-old Sherell Lewis Jr. is dead. He is dead because 18-year-old Matthew Martin. Matthew Martin is a racist piece of s#!t.

According to WAFB, Lewis had pulled over to the side of the road to remove a large piece of debris that was going to cause major damage to anyone who hit it.

While doing his public service, Sherell was struck by Martin and died on the way to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Martin was ke-ke’ing on Snapchat…

Instagram Photo

Local police have found two witnesses and are investigating Lewis’ death.

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Category: celebrity gossip