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If You Only Have 10 Minutes to Work Out Today, Do This 4-Move Workout

7 years ago Isabell Rose
If You Only Have 10 Minutes to Work Out Today, Do This 4-Move Workout If you love a good booty burn, you're going to be all over this 10-minute butt workout. You better get some quarters ready because your butt is going to be so fricking firm! The Moves: Squat thrust Squat with overhead reach Alternating forward lunge (one on each side counts as one rep) Sumo squat jump The Workout: Set the timer for 10 minutes and begin this up-ladder-style workout by doing three reps of each exercise, then six reps, then nine reps, then 12 reps, and so on until the 10 minutes are up. Related: This 10-to-1 Bodyweight Workout Takes Just 4 Minutes

Tried and Tested: The Best Laundry Detergent For Your Fitness Gear

7 years ago Talia Irvine
Tried and Tested: The Best Laundry Detergent For Your Fitness Gear When I work out, I sweat — a lot — and this happens at just about every workout you can think of. It's not unusual for me to walk out of a Pilates class looking like I just completed 60 minutes of Spin. And sadly, my sweat does not smell like roses. It's gross, but it's my reality. Related: The Cheat Sheet to Washing Your Workout Clothes the Right Way Long-Sleeved Tees For Cool Fall Runs and Workouts While regular detergent might work on a pair of jeans, this does not hold true to my soaked-in-sweat workout gear. Before discovering detergent that actually got the funk out of my sports bras, capris, and tanks, it wasn't unusual for me to do an entire load of my favorite fitness items, just to find offensive odors still lingering once everything was dry. After playing around with plenty of DIY solutions and testing every detergent I could get my hands on, I've found three solid choices that ..

If Your Period Is the F*cking Worst, at Least These Memes Will Make You Feel Better

7 years ago Talia Irvine
If Your Period Is the F*cking Worst, at Least These Memes Will Make You Feel Better Periods, amiright?! From crippling cramps to moodiness, sobbing at diaper commercials, wanting to punch everyone in the frickin' face, and wanting to eat ALL THE CHOCOLATE, if your period makes you feel like a completely different person, you're not alone. It sucks. But these will make you feel better. Related: Crush Those Cramps With These 5 Yoga Poses

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