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Hot Slut Of The Day!

7 years ago Isabell Rose
Mark Kanemura, a living and breathing Pride machine! If you ever happen to see a rainbow in the sky, blast a Carly Rae Jepsen song from your car, pull out a telescope and prepare for your b-hole to pucker until it falls off as you look closely at that rainbow and see this vision of prism sparklines..

Spider-Gwen Drops Into New Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Trailer

7 years ago Isabell Rose
One Spidey is never enough. The latest trailer for Phil Lord and Chris Miller's Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is here, and it stars three web-slingers whose names you're probably very familiar with: Miles Morales, Peter Parker, and Gwen Stacy. But the trailer's most impressive ..

Judgment Day: Teen Mom 2‘s Chelsea Finally Faced Adam In Court

7 years ago Isabell Rose
Presenting Aubree Skye Lind-DeBoer! On last week’s Teen Mom 2, Chelsea geared up for her hearing with ex-boyfriend Adam, where they’d discuss her request to officially change Aubree’s last name to Lind-DeBoer, and, given Adam’s recent issues, Chelsea’s other request that he only see their daughter..

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