LeBron James & Steph Curry To Donald Trump: NBA Champs Won’t Visit White House

LeBron James & Steph Curry To Donald Trump: NBA Champs Won’t Visit White House

While Donald Trump plays little general with the NFL, basketball’s two biggest stars agree that the eventual NBA championship team has no plans to visit the White House.

Donald Trump Punts On Super Bowl Champ Eagles' White House Visit

“I know whoever wins this series, no one wants an invite,” Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James was quoted as saying today as the NBA Finals shifts to Ohio for Game 3 on Wednesday.


His sentiment was shared by rival Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry, who said in an interview: “I agree with ‘Bron. Pretty sure the way we handled things last year, kinda staying consistent with that.” He’s referring to his 2017 championship team that famously skipped the traditional meeting with the president.

Both future first-ballot Hall of Famers — who are meeting in the NBA Finals for a fourth consecutive year — were weighing in on Trump’s ongoing feud with the NFL and its Players Who Protest. The latest salvo in that war came Monday when POTUS decalred that the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles “are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow. They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country.”

Oh the delicious irony that the NFL champs are from the Birthplace of American Democracy and their nickname is taken from the National Emblem.

And by the way, no Eagles player knelt or sat for the national anthem all season. Not one.

But there’s also another pro-sports championship series going on at the moment. No one from the NHL has weighed in officially about the White House ruckus, but how fun would it be if the Washington Capitals win the Stanley Cup? (They’re up 3-1 over the expansion Vegas Golden Knights.) Not only would it be the first Cup in the franchise’s 44-year history, the team is captained by Alexander Ovechkin — who certainly wouldn’t be the first Russian to visit the White House lately.

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