Kris Jenner “Impressed” By Travis Scott “Stepping Up” For Kylie Jenner And Stormi Is Made-Up
March 13, 2018Truth rating: 0
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A certain website is claiming to know Kris Jenner is “impressed” by how Travis Scott is “stepping up” to take care of Kylie Jenner and their daughter Stormi. This story, however, was made-up. Gossip Cop can bust it and explain how it came about.
Throughout Kylie’s pregnancy, HollywoodLife not only alleged Scott wouldn’t be a suitable father, but also questioned whether he was really the baby’s dad. The site repeatedly suggested Tyga believed he fathered the child, even going as far as ridiculously alleging Tyga wanted to be in the delivery room with Kylie. On Sunday, however, Kris responded to the rumor that Tyga is the baby’s father and shut it down.
In addition, Scott has shown he is committed to co-parenting with Kylie. In fact, a few days before killing the Tyga nonsense, Kris praised Scott as a parent, telling reporters, “He’s really, really great, really attentive and couldn’t be cuter with Kylie.” So, what is the blog known as HollywoodLies now doing? Well, the outlet is ditching its previous narratives to claim it “learned exclusively” that Scott has proven to be a good father and Kris is “pleasantly surprised.”
“Kris was skeptical about Travis,” a so-called “source close to the Kardashians”‘ is quoted as saying. But, maintains the online publication’s supposed snitch, “He is taking great care of Stormi and being good to Kylie at the same time… Stormi, Kylie, and Travis all seem to be happy, which is great for Kris.” Gossip Cop is going to be blunt: No real “source” actually dished to HollywoodLies. It’s transparent what is really going on.
Simply, because Kris set the record straight on Stormi’s paternity and complimented Scott as a father all within the last few days, the website is trying to piggyback off her comments by pretending to have its own insight. What the blog really has done, however, is expose its prior stories, which were also purported to be “exclusives,” as inaccurate. If the site really had inside knowledge, as it so often claims, it never would’ve floated absurd claims about Tyga being the baby’s father or questioned Scott’s commitment in the first place.
And even now with the outlet changing course, its supposed scoop is really nothing more than what Kris herself publicly said. There’s also something conspicuously missing from this article. In the last week, HollywoodLies peddled two posts claiming Kris paid Scott $4 million to “stick around.” Now, as the publication babbles on and on about how “impressed” the matriarch is by her pseudo-son-in-law, there is no mention of bribing him to fulfill his parental obligations.
The inconsistencies, the contradictions, the lack of genuine revelations, the suspicious timing — it all points to what many have already realized: This website appears to be a fiction factory determined to exploit celebrity news for traffic. That is not journalism.