Knifed Up Kerfuffle: Bernice Burgos Explains Why She Still Works Out After Having Surgical Sorcery

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For your knifed up information…

Bernice Burgos Explains Working Out After Plastic Surgery

Bangin’ meemaw Bernice Burgos is dispelling a rumor about women who went under the knife. The urban model, 38, is known for posting workout videos on social media showing her toning her (admittedly) fake copious curves.

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And when a fan dared ask why women with “fake bodies” still workout, Bernice clapped back and educated them on plastic parts.

“Taking out fat and shaping your f**** body isn’t fake,” said Berniece. “To keep the job I got done you need to work out.”

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The more you know…

Bernice previously told “The Breakfast Club” that she got illegal butt enhancements in a basement.

“To be honest—it was in a basement. But she had it set up real nice, it was a house though. It was so many years ago—I did my butt first. It was in the Bronx, it was the first thing I did right after I had my second daughter. So she hooked it up real cute.”

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At least she’s honest unlike some many other women out there.

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Are you feeling Meemaw Bernice’s admittedly knifed up fit baaaawdy?

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More on the flip.

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Category: celebrity gossip