Kanye West Says He Was Only Diagnosed As Bipolar Last Year

It’s only been a few days since Kanye West used his album release as a way to confirm with the world he has bipolar disorder, but now he’s expanding upon the album art to let the world a little bit more about his mental health. Rather than have some tearful interview with Oprah to bemoan his condition, Kanye is being rather, uh, Kanye about it and says his bipolarity is a “superpower.”

People says Kanye was interviewed by radio host Big Boy after his listening party for the new album last week. He said he wasn’t diagnosed with the mental condition until last year when he was 39 but that “it’s not a disability, it’s a superpower.” This isn’t the first time Kanye has mentioned a superpower. As y’all remember, he gave a daffy interview in 2016 to Ellen DeGeneres where he said he had the power to see music thanks to his synesthesia. I also had synesthesia over the weekend, but it was going by the name “Effects Of First Warm Weekend In Boston With Eight Bottles Of Rosé.

He also brought up the TMZ interview where he said slavery was a choice. He seems to recognize how fucked a statement that was and how #blessed he is to have said that from a place of privilege nestled firmly inside Pimp Mama Kris’ claws:

“Think about somebody that does exactly what I did at TMZ and they just do that at work, right? But then Tuesday morning, they come in and they lost their job and they can’t go back and make that. That’s why God put that on me at age 40.”

Oh, Kanye. If one of us normals did that at our office gig, we wouldn’t even be able to just “come in” to our old job to find out we were fired. We’d be too busy nestled inside a straitjacket down at the county jail!

Pic: Wenn.com

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Category: celebrity gossip