Jennifer Aniston Does NOT Want Brad Pitt To Be Her “Baby Daddy,” Despite Reports

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Jennifer Aniston Brad Pitt Baby Daddy

(Getty Images)

Jennifer Aniston does not want Brad Pitt to be her “baby daddy,” despite reports. Gossip Cop can bust these absurd, untrue stories. The actress has no intention of making her ex-husband the father of her children.

But the National Enquirer and RadarOnline are both ridiculously claiming Aniston is “begging” Pitt to have kids with her, and he’s “on board with the plan.” Bizarrely, the sister outlets allege the “Friends” star doesn’t actually want to romantically reunite with her former spouse. Rather, the publications contend she wants the actor to be a sperm donor. A so-called “source” is quoted as saying Aniston “smartly had her eggs frozen years ago,” and asserts she has now “asked Brad to donate the sperm so they can finally have a child together.”

The two articles tie Aniston’s baby-making proposal to her separation from Justin Theroux, alleging that “much of the tension” between them “stemmed from frustration over not having children.” Both the supermarket tabloid and the website claim Aniston actually delayed having a baby with Theroux because she was concerned about his “daddy qualities.” Now, another supposed “source” contends, “She wants her baby daddy to be the perfect man, and in her mind, that’s Brad.”

“She wants her child to be just like Brad, in not just looks, but also the personality and charm that won her over,” asserts this alleged tipster, adding, “Jen didn’t have to ask Brad twice. He loves kids, and would be happy to have more, especially with Jen.” Pitt, of course, already has six children with estranged wife Angelina Jolie. Curiously not mentioned by either the gossip magazine or the site is how Aniston feels about her would-be child having half-siblings from Pitt’s last marriage.

That seems like an important aspect to consider. And New Idea, which is regurgitating all of these allegations online with a piece titled “Brad Pitt’s baby gift to Jennifer Aniston,” doesn’t acknowledge the family the actor already has, either. Perhaps that’s because all three outlets are living in some fantasy world where Pitt fathering Aniston’s children actually seems like a legitimate possibility. It is not. A rep for the actress denies she has any such plans.

Gossip Cop would be remiss not to also point out that the National Enquirer and RadarOnline have little credibility when it comes to reporting on Aniston becoming a mom. In 2016, for example, both publications wrongly insisted she was planning to adopt an orphan from Mexico. More recently, just last week, the tabloid repeated its fabricated and already-debunked claim about Aniston suffering a “secret miscarriage.”

The same year those bogus miscarriage and adoption tales were first peddled, Aniston admitted she was “fed up” over the speculation about her having a child. “If I ever do, I will be the first to let you know,” she stressed at the time. That still holds true.

Category: celebrity gossip