“How To Get Away With Murder” Finale Recap: “Nobody Else Is Dying”

HTGAWM Recap March 15 2018


On Thursday’s “How To Get Away With Murder” finale, a death was revealed, someone was arrested and Annalise could be in for one mother of a twist. Here are the most important things to know about “Nobody Else Is Dying,” the 15th and last episode of season four.

The show began with an autopsy for the person who died in the car accident as Nate told Annalise it was “foul play” and promised to find the hard drive. Asher cried, and Connor asked, “Why does this keep happening to us?” The death, it turned out, was Denver. The next day, Asher told Michaela they were “over,” despite her profuse apologies.

As the Keating group met with Annalise, they theorized Laurel’s parents were behind Denver’s fatal accident. As they all worried about their own safety, Annalise declared, “No one else is dying… We have to work to protect each other.” Laurel’s dad told her her mom was missing and accused her of “doing something to her.” He threatened to take her son away “for good” if she didn’t tell the “truth.” Laurel admitted to the group that she told her mom to “kill herself.” She was then called in to meet with the FBI as one of the last people to see Denver alive.

Laurel told the agent that Denver had wanted to talk about her father, hoping the FBI would investigate him. Everyone was relieved when Nate found the hard drive in a storage locker Denver was using. With the scan of the files taking too long, Annalise went to Tegan and urged her to switch sides and be a whistleblower for them against Laurel’s dad. Noting he had Denver killed, Annalise told her, “This is not worth dying for.” Tegan’s response: “Get the hell out of my office.”

Michaela told a still hospitalized Simon that she was there for whatever he needed as Annalise worked out his whistleblower deal. He told her that he wanted to see proof of the deal and the illegal files, or he would tell the police what really happened that night. Michaela suggested to Annalise that they “shut him up” by getting Simon deported. She angrily rejected the idea. Instead, Annalise called Laurel’s dad and told him they had the hard drive.

They then met up, and she offered him the drive in exchange for him recanting his testimony against Laurel so she could have custody of her son. He wasn’t ready to sign, however, with Laurel’s mom still missing. He still believed she was responsible, and even Frank and company were doubting her innocence. Annalise and Laurel’s dad had a heated exchange, with him accusing her of taking Laurel from him, and her shooting back that he took Wes from them.

Ultimately, Laurel’s dad signed the contract and the judge agreed to the custody change. Mother and baby were finally reunited, with a home visit from social services planned for within a month. Her father still pressed her on her mother’s whereabouts, prompting Laurel to tell him, “She’s dead to me, as are you.” Shortly after, he was arrested by the FBI for financial crimes and Denver’s murder. Tegan turned on him after all and spilled to the FBI about his illegal activities. In exchange, she was given immunity and anonymity.

Bonnie got the D.A.’s office to drop its charges against Simon, but Michaela anonymously reported him to ICE anyway, infuriating everyone. Right after, the Supreme Court decision came in, with the justices ruling in favor of Annalise’s class action lawsuit. Annalise later did a radio interview about the case, arguing that convicts aren’t “bad” and that people need “second chances.”

Laurel, now staying at Bonnie’s, later had a nightmare about her dealings with her parents. Frank went for a college tour and took notice of an applicant named Gabriel, as Connor reapplied to law school with Michaela’s help. Oliver helped Asher move into Laurel/Wes’ dorm apartment, and asked him to be his “best man.” Bonnie “swiped left” on her co-worker at the D.A.’s office, while Nate looked over secret files Denver had of the group, after previously telling Bonnie he got rid of them. One of the documents was a DNA test questioning whether a child was “alive.”

In the final minutes, Annalise and Laurel bonded over the baby. As Laurel showered, the camera showed she had bloody scratches on her arm. The episode ended with Frank making a call saying, “I guess the good times didn’t last too long. Her kid’s here.” Is this Annalise’s son… or Bonnie’s?

Category: celebrity gossip