Angelina Jolie Still NOT Moving To England With Brad Pitt’s Kids, Despite Claim

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Angelina Jolie Kids Move England

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Angelina Jolie and the kids she shares with Brad Pitt are still not making a permanent move to England, contrary to a claim that seems crop up over and over again. Gossip Cop can once again bust the false allegation. The family’s home base will continue to be Los Angeles for the foreseeable future.

But ever since Jolie and Pitt separated in 2016, the gossip media has repeatedly claimed she wants to leave the country and move to London. In fact, just days ago marked a year since the National Enquirer falsely alleged Jolie planned to flee the United States for life abroad. Though time proved Gossip Cop was right when we debunked that wrong tale, the tabloid’s sister outlet, RadarOnline, is now bringing the narrative back.

According to this new story, Jolie has “made yet another bid to move to England with her six children without [Pitt’s] knowledge.” The site specifically claims the actress is “shopping for real estate and has short-listed” a $27 million townhouse in London. A so-called “source” describes the situation as Pitt’s “worst nightmare.” Noting the actor has committed to Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming Charles Manson movie, the blog’s supposed snitch maintains “travel outside the U.S. is going to be tough” while he’s tackling the “big project.”

“Brad will see even less of the kids, which of course will be devastating for him,” contends the alleged tipster. The online publication goes on to deem Jolie’s purported plans to move with their brood a “stunning betrayal,” and points out there’s still a “battle for custody” going on. Of course, it’s precisely because custody is unresolved that Jolie cannot unilaterally decide to pack up and move the children to another continent. The actress currently has temporary primary custody, and the kids’ whereabouts and living arrangements are monitored by lawyers and therapists.

Pitt and Jolie are still amicably negotiating their divorce settlement and custody agreement. Until that’s resolved, the kids won’t be moving anywhere, although they are permitted to travel, such as when Jolie and the children were in Paris in January. There just isn’t going to be a full-time move like RadarOnline is claiming, Pitt’s rep confirms to Gossip Cop.

It’s possible this London rumor, although untrue, has resurfaced because it’s been reported Jolie will likely be filming Maleficent 2 in the UK this spring. Of course, she would need a place to stay while there, and real estate remains a good investment. Those are two valid reasons for house-hunting that have nothing to do with taking the kids for a permanent move. People also reported last year that Jolie and the family are not moving to London, backing up something Gossip Cop first confirmed as far back as December of 2016. Nothing has changed.

Category: celebrity gossip