Donald Trump is having an illiterate meltdown about ‘Shadey’ James Comey

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All I want to do is hibernate!! Why won’t anyone let me hibernate from politics for a week, damn it? So in addition to the news about Rudy Giuliani joining Donald Trump’s legal team – news which will likely be met with laughter from Mueller’s office, considering Giuliani is up to his eyeballs in Russian collusion too – we’ve also got Trump freaking out about James Comey on a friggin’ daily basis. Fresh tweet, with some illiterate pizzazz.

Donald J. Trump for President Rally in Miami

It’s SHADY not “shadey.” Besides that, I’m a big fan of declaring people “shady.” Rudy Giuliani is shady. Jared Kushner is shady. Paul Manafort is shady. And I actually agree that James Comey is shady AF too. But this morning’s SHADEY hissy fit was about the Republicans leaking James Comey’s internal FBI memos on Trump. They leaked the memos to… like, make the case that Comey did something something leaking something NO COLLUSION something. I can’t keep up with the Deplorable thought process, honestly.

So… yeah. The Deplorables are just so triggered about the #ComeyMemos. Don’t even look at that hashtag because it’s just Deplorables/bots squealing into the void about how Comey, McCabe, Mueller and “Crooked Hillary” are all going to jail because they were the ones really colluding… or something. As I said, the thought process is hard to follow.

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