Robert Pattinson “Misses” FKA Twigs After Seeing Her Apple Commercial Is Fake News

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Robert Pattinson Misses FKA Twigs

(Getty Images)

A certain website is pretending to know Robert Pattinson “misses” FKA Twigs. This is fake news that was manufactured to capitalize on the singer’s new Apple commercial. Gossip Cop can bust the made-up story and explain what’s going on.

A few days ago, Apple released a new Spike Jonze-directed commercial starring FKA Twigs. The trippy ad, in which she shows off her dance moves, is to promote the HomePod. Now the video’s debut has led HollywoodLife to claim he’s “reminiscing about the good old days” as a result of watching the commercial.

A so-called “source close to the actor” is quoted as saying, “He loves her very much still and seeing this commercial reminds him of how amazing she is… Watching it makes him happy since it’s such a time warp for him. It takes him back to when they were in a better place.” The site’s supposed snitch goes on, “Now, will that lead him back to her? Never say never.” That’s the blog’s way of hedging its bets. It has no idea whether Pattinson really wants to get back together with Twigs, so it is leaving the possibility open-ended. “Don’t be surprised if they reunite in the near future,” the outlet tells readers.

Here’s what’s really not a surprise: HollywoodLies, as it’s nicknamed, only concocted this tale because Twigs is currently making headlines for the commercial. The online publication actually shows how little it knows about the ad by referring to Jonze as “Jones.” But the website wanted to piggyback off all of the news stories about the clip, so it put together a related fake news story of its own. The site wants readers to believe Pattinson is “not over” Twigs, but is only making such a claim now because of the commercial.

As Gossip Cop has proven many times, those truly “close” to Pattinson don’t go dishing to HollywoodLies about his personal life. What makes it even more unlikely that someone legitimately connected to the actor shared these alleged feelings is that no one in his inner circle has even spoken about him and Twigs breaking up in the first place. It makes little sense to purport a “source” is talking about Pattinson “reminiscing” about the romance when no real source has even acknowledged the split.

It’s also notable that just a few weeks ago, HollywoodLies was peddling narratives about how Pattinson still “loves” Kristen Stewart and is “crushing on” Katy Perry. Those were bogus articles, too, and the only reason those storylines have been abandoned is because an opportunity arose to exploit Pattinson’s past with Twigs. This isn’t real insight. It’s pretend.

Category: celebrity gossip