We Must Defend Our Reproductive Rights. Here’s Why.

We Must Defend Our Reproductive Rights. Here’s Why.

Hannah Briggs


| 3.10.17 | 10:36 am

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Woman from Scene Roe V Wade Video

CREDIT: The Scene

The right to reproductive healthcare (and healthcare in general) is under attack in the United States. As a millennial, I was raised in a time where the right to choose was a given. “It can’t really go anywhere,” I once thought. And though it hasn’t technically gone anywhere yet, it’s looking more and more likely that it could.

While I’ve never had an abortion, I’ve always known it was an option if I needed it. I’d honestly never given much thought to what life would be like without that option. Chances are, you’re probably like me.

So, below is a little insight from The Scene into what life looked like for young women before Roe v. Wade.

Just so you know, it’s harrowing.

Were you as disturbed by what you heard as I was? Do something about it.

Come out for women’s rights. Make defending reproductive rights a priority. Call your representatives. Make your voice heard. Oppose the misogynistic and oppressive legislation/regulation of women’s bodies. Donate to Planned Parenthood if you can.

Don’t let us go back.


abortion, abortionist, feminism, planned parenthood, reproductive rights, roe v. wade, social, the scene, womens issuesOriginal Article

Category: celebrity gossip