Stephen Colbert Gives Bill Clinton A Do-Over On The Monica Lewinsky Question
June 6, 2018
Stephen Colbert Gives Bill Clinton A Do-Over On The Monica Lewinsky Question
By Take 3, former President Bill Clinton did pretty well answering #MeToo-era questions about Monica Lewinsky, while on tour with best-selling writer James Patterson, with whom he co-wrote the thriller The President is Missing.
Stephen Colbert Exercises His Make-Fun-Of-The-Pardon Power
It could only get better, after Monday morning’s book-tour kickoff on NBC’s Today, in which Clinton’s response to The Lewinsky Question were described as tone deaf– and that was putting it nicely.
Stephen Colbert gave Clinton tonight’s do-over, telling Clinton, “I notice you did not enjoy that entire interview.
“I want you to enjoy this one, but I do want to ask you something: Would you like a do-over on that answer?” Colbert said. “Do you understand why some people thought it was a tone-deaf response?”
Quipped Clinton: “When I saw the interview, I thought that, because they had to distill it, it looked like I was saying I didn’t apologize, and I had no intention to. And I was mad at me – not for the first time.”
After that got Colbert’s crowd to laugh, POTUS 42 added: “Here is what I want to say: It wasn’t my finest hour.”
Meanwhile, Patterson’s eyes glazed over, having sat through this twice already, with umpteen more book-tour interviews to go.
“But, the important thing is, that it was very painful thing that happened 20 years ago,” Clinton insisted. “And I apologized to my family, to Monica Lewinsky and her family and the American people. I mean it then, I mean it now. I have had to live with the consequences every day since. I still believe this #MeToo movement is long overdue, necessary and should be supported.”
Previous evening, on his second stab at answering The Lewinsky Question, Clinton said of his bungled Today answer, “The truth is, the hubbub was, I got hot under the collar because of the way the questions were asked.”
TONIGHT: Stephen offers @BillClinton the opportunity for a do-over regarding a question he was asked in an interview earlier this week. #LSSC #BillClinton
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) June 5, 2018