North Philly Jawn Tierra Whack Combines Multiple Creative Concepts For “Whack World” Visuals [VIDEO]

Courtesy Interscope

This girl is GOOD. We can’t take our eyes off the new visuals for “Whack World” from North Philly artist Tierra Whack. Have a look below:

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Stringing together 15 one-minute clips, Tierra shifts between rap and song, showcasing her lyricism throughout. The video boasts of colorful and exaggerated imagery; though some scenes are more abstract than others. Each minute offers a different emotion, as the visual fluently combines moments of humor and candor. The video was conceptualized by Tierra Whack, Mathieu Leger and director Thibaut Duverneix.

Hailing from North Philadelphia, Tierra Whack’s slick freestyles and magnetic stage presence earned her recognition from Philadelphia’s hip hop heavyweights including Meek Mill and radio DJ Cosmic Kev. After a brief hiatus, the tenacious talent has finally reemerged and is quickly captivating a new audience. Early supporters include Gary Vaynerchuk, Lil Yachty, Solange and BROCKHAMPTON; who coined “Mumbo Jumbo” 2017’s best hip-hop video. Tierra graced 2018’s SXSW stage and will be continuing her festival run in her hometown at the Roots Picnic on Saturday, June 2.

Cop Whack World HERE

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